Children and Armed Conflict

Millions of children are caught up in conflicts around the world. They witness atrocities and in some cases may even become targets in the conflict. They lose parents and loved ones or are forced to flee and are victims of rights violations which include violence, sexual abuse, trafficking and denial of humanitarian support.

The Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict was established to advocate for the rights protection of all children affected by conflict


The role of Working Group Children and Armed Conflict is to strengthen the protection of children affected by armed conflict, raise awareness, promote and advocate that Missions and Mandate holders meet their needs and rights through supporting the agenda of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG) for Children And Armed Conflict, Virginia Gamba. The SRSG reports annually to the General Assembly and the Human Rights Council raising challenges faced by children to relevant Governments like the Geneva based Group of Friends to maintain a sense of urgency amongst key decision makers as well as to secure political and diplomatic engagement.

The Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict

The Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict was established in March 2016. It isΒ currently convened by War Child Holland and Defence for Children International.

The Working Group advocates on issues relating to children and conflict, and operates as a Geneva-based focal point to coordinate information and activities. It aims to ensure that the key institutions in Geneva – such as the Human Rights Council and the Committee on the Rights of the Child – are better equipped and informed to take decisions, make recommendations, and to formulate Concluding Observations on the broader issue of children and conflict. It also collaborates where possible with the Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary General on Children and Armed Conflict.


These checklists provide policy-makers and those seeking to influence them with readily available key documents and appropriate language on child protection issues in order to increase their impact.

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