What We Do
All of our development actions consider children’s rights, not only leading to the realisation of children’s rights, but also to sustainable change of the entire system and to a prosperous society.
Child Rights Connect is a unique resource for children’s rights defenders, including children, to be more effective in holding States accountable by using the UN human rights system for their advocacy
Child Rights Connect has a strategic position to access high-level decision-makers within the UN human rights system and work with them towards more accessible, effective and protective mechanisms for children.
Promoting meaningful, safe and effective child participation and civil society space for children is one of the strategic priorities and key areas of expertise of Child Rights Connect. We have been a driving force to advance the debate, set the standards and build the capacity for child participation at international level.
In 2017, Child Rights Connect launched the first ever global programme on children human rights defenders in order to raise awareness about their role and to actively advocate for the realization of their rights. The 2018 Day of General Discussion (DGD) to the theme “Protecting and empowering children as human rights defenders.”
We advocate for more State to ratify OPIC, so that more children can access the mechanism, and we work closely with the UN Committee on the rights to ensure that the Protocol and its rules of procedure are effectively operationalized.
Since 2014, a group of States has introduced the concept of the “Protection of the family” at the UN Human Rights Council (HRC). This has many implications on children’s rights and we have undertaken a variety of advocacy activities to ensure that “family” is understood from a children’s rights perspective.
Without a child rights based approach, the Global Goals for Sustainable Development will never be fully achieved.
Our Approach
Technical Assistance
We provide technical assistance to children’s rights defenders, to identify the best UN entry points for advancing their objectives for children’s rights. We also provide information on how to effectively engage with these entry points and connect children’s rights defenders to the relevant organisations, units and people.
Technical assistance is done through accessible publications and tools, online and in print, as well as tailor-made expert advice both by the Secretariat team, as well as through provision of spaces for peer-to-peer exchange and mutual learning, such as the website member space and webinars.
Capacity Building
We provide capacity building on the UN human rights mechanisms to children’s rights defenders. Capacity building is done through direct or online trainings and seminars, as well as through making training materials available on its website.
Direct training is provided preferably to member organisations of Child Rights Connect, who can ensure multiplication of the knowledge through their organisation and networks at regional, national and local levels.
We implement advocacy to raise awareness and understanding on our three overall priorities, as well as to effect concrete positive change in child rights policies and practices within and throughout the UN human rights system and among States. We consult issues we advocate for among our global membership, which gives our advocacy high legitimacy and weight.
Advocacy is done through building strategic relationships and securing partnerships, and continuous raising of issues through oral or written statements, one-to-one lobbying, campaigns, participation in and organisation of events and conferences.
Working Groups
Working groups amplify the discussion on their specific theme at and through the UN, and work to ensure implementation on the ground. Almost half of Child Rights Connect member organisations, 38 in 2017, are working together in six working groups.
Children of Incarcerated Parents
Children of incarcerated parents are the forgotten victims of imprisonment. When a mother or father goes to prison, their children are affected, often adversely.
Children’s Rights and the Environment
The Working Group on environment aims to promote children’s right to a healthy and sustainable environment.
Child Participation
The WG on child participation aims to provide strategic advice and support to the CRCnct Network and partners on children and young people’s participation by harnessing the strong, collective, and influential voice of the Network in empowering children to exercise their rights to participate under the UNCRC.

Working Group on Children and the Right to Education
The Working Group on Children and Violence aims to ensure the right to education for all children.
Children and Violence
The Working Group on Children and Violence aims to promote action that will prompt violence prevention strategies and protect children who are vulnerable.
Children and Armed Conflict
A Focus Group on Children and Armed Conflict was established in February 2013 and officially became the Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict in March 2016.