Our Mission: The  realisation of Children’s Rights through the United Nations human rights system.

We are an independent, non-profit network made up of 119 national, regional and international organisations.

Through our members we reach out to every country on the planet. Our shared aim is to ensure that all children can fully enjoy their rights, as defined by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC).

Learn More About Our Organisation >

Meet Our Members >

Our new Strategic Plan for 2025-2029

Network Mapping Placeholder
Network Mapping

Featured Publications

CRC Sessions

2022 in numbers

Children’s rights defenders, including children, empowered to report to the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child
New / updated multilingual resources published to help children / adults engage with the United Nations
Child advisors, aged between 13 and 18-years-old, from all regions of the world, including seven girls, a gender diverse child and two children with disabilities
Online workshops / meetings led or co-led by Child Rights Connect on various child rights issues
Actors engaged in meetings / workshops on the rights of child human rights defenders and child participation
Actors engaged in meetings / workshops on child access to justice including through the OPIC

What We Do

We work to advance the sustained protection, promotion and fulfillment of children’s rights across the world, as set out in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. We do this in direct collaboration with children human rights defenders, including children themselves, using UN human rights mechanisms to ensure positive long-term impact at every level.

Working Groups

Working groups amplify the discussion on their specific theme at and through the UN, and work to ensure implementation on the ground. Almost half of Child Rights Connect member organisations are working together in the different thematic working groups.


Child Participation

The WG on child participation aims to provide strategic advice and support to the CRCnct Network and partners on children and young people’s participation by harnessing the strong, collective, and influential voice of the Network in empowering children to exercise their rights to participate under the UNCRC.

Our member network has a broad reach and works in every country in the world.

It is unique in its global outreach and its diversity, constituting a strong and credible global voice on children’s rights.

Help us create a world in which all children can enjoy their rights.