Working Group on Children and Violence
Merged with the WG on ending sexual exploitation of children in June 2020.
Every day, boys and girls around the world endure some form of violence. It happens in every country, and it doesnโt discriminate between culture, class, income or education. In many cases, violence against children is allowed by national laws or justified for disciplinary reasons or cultural tradition. This has devastating consequences for childrenโs health and development.
The Working Group on Children and Violence
The Working Group on Children and Violence aims to promote action that will prompt violence prevention strategies and protect children who are vulnerable. In particular, the Working Group focuses on the framework provided by the UN CRC and works towards the implementation of this instrument as a legal obligation for governments and as a core protection tool for children.
The WG aims to (1) speak with one voice and work together alongside UN Human Rights mechanisms and UN agencies based in Geneva which are pertinent to the theme of violence against children; (2) act as Geneva focal point for advancing the Post 2015 Global Sustainable Development VAC related goals and targets, to ensure the continuous implementation of the recommendations put forward in the UN Study on VAC, notably by means of advocacy towards key players in Geneva (the UN, permanent missions and regional institutions) in collaboration with civil society organizations and networks; and (3) continue to maintain strong links with, and provide collaborative support to the SRSG/VAC and the CRC.
CRCnct WG CAV publication: “Eliminating Violence Against Children: Promoting the Adoption of Effective Measures for Ending Violence Against Children through Human Rights Engagement.”
CRCnct WG CAV publication (Spanish): “Eliminaciรณn de la violencia contra la niรฑez: Promover la adopciรณn de medidas efectivas para poner fin a la violencia contra los niรฑos y niรฑas mediante el compromiso hacia los derechos humanos.“
Campaign “ACT NOW” End Violence against Children
Campaign created by the Working Group on Children and Violence to provide evidence on the importance, need and cost-effectiveness of ending violence against children to achieve equitable development.
Members & Affiliates
Arigatou International
Defence for Children International (DCI)
ECPAT International
International Catholic Child Bureau (BICE)
Plan International
United Kingdom
Plateforme CDE Maroc
Railway Children Africa
United Kingdom
Save the Children International
SOS Children's Villages International
Terre des Hommes International Federation
Women's World Summit Foundation (WWSF)
World Council of Churches
World Vision International
United States of America