Here you can find upcoming public events with Child Rights Connect’s Secretariat involvement. In addition, you can find updated information on the sessions and pre-sessions of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child.

Committee on the Rights of the Child: 30 years of children’s rights – Where we are and where we want to be
16 September, 2019
On Monday 16 September 2019 the CRC Committee celebrates the 30th anniversary through:
- The launch of the exhibition at 1:30pm which displays the pledges made by States with respect to children’s rights, as well as national initiatives, from 16 to 27 September 2019.
- The public event 30 years of children’s rights – Where we are and where we want to be in Palais des Nations:
On the dedicated website you will find the speakers’ bios, including Hannah, Zcyrel, Maria, Amy, Serena, Sophia and Keren, and the programme of the event: English | French | Spanish
Serena helped to open the event and focused on a call for ratification of the third Optional Protocol to the CRC; OPIC. As part of the day’s celebrations, we launched our new OPIC website – find out more in the article above!
Jean Zermatten, previous Chairperson of the Committee, gave a history to the Convention which included data collected from our 2019 report on the Global Status of Engagement in Reporting to the Committee on the Rights of the Child.
Sophia and Keren led a talkshow with a range of stakeholders including our Executive Director Alex Conte and Maria and Zcyrel then launched the child-friendly CRC they have developed as part of a global, cross-regional Children’s Advisory Team which was led by Child Rights Connect. Access the associated Guide for adults to empower children to develop their own versions in their contexts.
Hannah (representing the global DGD Children’s Advisory Team) and Sophia took part in a roundtable on topics including child justice and the environment, and Amy took the lead on social media throughout the day and concluded key messages throughout the day. #LittleVoicesBigImpact
We really encourage you to watch the recording of the event here!
Key messages and feedback from this event will help to inform preparations and discussions during the November CRC30 conference.