
Here you can find upcoming public events with Child Rights Connect’s Secretariat involvement. In addition, you can find updated information on the sessions and pre-sessions of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child.


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Human Rights Council 42nd session side event on “Promoting a Safe and Empowering Environment for All Children and Youth”!

We are happy to share with you the Flyer to the side event on “Promoting a Safe and Empowering Environment for All Children and Youth – Best practices for child and youth protection and participation through human rights education“, organized by IIMA, VIDES International and the UN Permanent Mission of the Philippines and co-sponsored by Child Rights Connect to take place onΒ Wednesday, September 25 (2-3:30 pm), in Palais des Nations, room XXII.

This side event will be an opportunity to share best practices for child and youth protection and participation through human rights education.