Our members
Child Rights Connect is a network of 80 national, regional and international NGOs and networks. Together we have a broad reach and work in almost every country in the world.
Member organisations
Here is an alphabetical list of our member organisations:
- Action for Children and Youth Aotearoa
- African Child Policy Forum
- Alliance for Children (Mauritius)
- Anti-Slavery International
- APPROACH Ltd. – Global Initiative to End all Corporal Punishment of Children
- Arigatou International
- Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI)
- Associated Country Women of the World
- Baha’i International Community
- Casa Alianza Suisse
- Centre for Excellence in Alternative Care of Children
- Child Helpline International
- Child Rights International Network (CRIN)
- Child Rights Network Switzerland
- Children’s Parliament, Scotland
- Children’s Rights Alliance
- Children’s Rights Alliance for England (CRAE)
- Child Soldiers International
- ChildFund Alliance
- COFRADE (Conseil français des Associations pour les Droits de l’Enfant)
- Consortium for Street Children
- COPE (Children of Prisoners Europe)
- CRC Asia
- Defence for Children International
- Defence for Children International – DCI Costa Rica
- ECPAT International
- Edmund Rice International
- Egyptian Foundation for Advancement of Childhood Conditions (EFACC)
- Elizabeth Fry Society of Greater Vancouver
- Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation
- EuroChild
- European Association for Children in Hospital
- Family for Every Child
- FICE International Federation of Educative Communities
- Franciscans International
- Friends-International
- Friends World Committee for Consultation (QUNO)
- Hope and Homes for Children
- Humanium
- Human Rights Watch
- INGO Ponimanie
- International Association of Youth and Family Judges and Magistrates
- International Baby Food Action Network
- International Catholic Child Bureau (BICE)
- International Child Rights Center (InCRC)
- International Council of Women
- International Federation of Social Workers
- International Foster Care Organisation
- International Inner Wheel
- International Juvenile Justice Observatory (IJJO)
- International Movement “ATD Fourth World”
- International Play Association: Promoting the Child’s Right to Play
- International Social Service
- Internet Watch Foundation
- Make Mothers Matter International / Le Mouvement Mondial des Mères
- Marist International Solidarity Foundation (FMSI)
- National Coalition Deutschland
- Plan International
- Plataforma de Organizaciones de Infancia
- Proyecto Solidario
- Red Latinoamericana de Acogimiento
- Red Latinoamericana y Caribena por la Defensa de los derechos de los Niños, las Ninas y los Adolescentes
- Relais Enfants Parents Romands (REPR)
- ROC (The “Right of the Child” NGO)
- Roshni Homes Trust
- RUWODI (The Rural Women’s Development Initiative)
- Save the Children International
- Society “Our Children” Opatija
- SOS Children’s Villages International
- Tanzania Child Rights Forum
- Terre des Hommes International Federation
- Together Scotland
- WAO Afrique
- War Child Holland
- Women’s World Summit Foundation
- World Association 0f Girl Guides and Girl Scouts
- World Organisation Against Torture / SOS Torture (OMCT)
- World Vision International
- Young Men’s Christian Association of Costa Rica