Working Groups

Working Groups

Working Groups are established and run on the initiative of at least three members of Child Rights Connect.

Working Groups are integral parts of the network of Child Rights Connect. The specific issues of Working Groups reflect the main priorities of the network, complementing the overall strategic objectives, as defined in the Strategic Plan.

The Secretariat channels information and aligns planning processes of the Working Groups to maximise collaborations, while maintaining the Working Groupsโ€™ autonomy in defining their priorities.

Please find here a child-friendly overview on the working groups.

Working Groups

Working Groups


Child Participation

The WG on child participation aims to provide strategic advice and support to the CRCnct Network and partners on children and young peopleโ€™s participation by harnessing the strong, collective, and influential voice of the Network in empowering children to exercise their rights to participate under the UNCRC.

Our member network has a broad reach and works in every country in the world.

It is unique in its global outreach and its diversity, constituting a strong and credible global voice on childrenโ€™s rights.

Help us create a world in which all children can enjoy their rights.