
CHRDs, UN and civil society experts agree on a roadmap to move forward the 2018 DGD outcome recommendations!

Following the release of the 2018 Day of General Discussion (DGD) outcome report on Protecting and Empowering Children as Human Rights Defenders, a group of experts meet in June to discuss how to follow up on and join efforts to implement the recommendations included in the report. The highly committed participants exchanged [...]

2020-05-12T11:23:16+02:009 September , 2019|

Towards a better implementation of the UNCRC through its Third Optional Protocol on a Communications Procedure

Access to justice is essential for children to be able to exercise and claim their human rights. Without accountability any of the rights provided by the CRC would lose meaning. The entry into force of the Third Optional Protocol on a Communications Procedure (OPIC) in 2014 was groundbreaking as it [...]

2019-08-16T18:22:52+02:0016 August , 2019|

UN report on child rights & SDGs includes children’s views

The report of the UN office for human rights (OHCHR) on child rights and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to the United Nations High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development is out and includes, for the first time, a section presenting children’s views. This is the result of a global consultation organized by Child Rights Connect [...]

2019-08-13T18:09:30+02:0010 July , 2019|

Civil society space, children and young people on the Human Rights Council’s agenda

Last week Child Rights Connect was invited to participate in a breakfast seminar with States and civil society organized by the Permanent Mission of Ireland. The seminar was an opportunity to examine recent experiences attempting to improve child and youth engagement at the UN Human Rights Council from the perspective [...]

2019-08-13T18:09:49+02:0020 June , 2019|

TB-Net Statement on the 31st meeting of Chairpersons of the Human Rights Treaty Bodies

TB-Net Statement on the 31st meeting of Chairpersons of the Human Rights Treaty Bodies  On the occasion of a private consultation with civil society at the Chairperson meeting held this week in New York, IMARD delivered a joint statement on behalf of TB-Net.  Recommendations focus on: 2020 Review of the Human Rights Treaty Body System: TB-Net [...]

2019-08-13T18:10:00+02:0015 June , 2019|

The 2018 DGD outcome report is adopted!

We are delighted to announce that the CRC Committee has adopted the 2018 DGD outcome report on Protecting and Empowering Children as Human Rights Defenders!  It includes the detailed findings of the plenary and workshop discussions, and highlights the main recommendations endorsed by the Committee with the goal of providing guidance to States [...]

2019-12-13T16:44:40+01:0013 June , 2019|

PRESS RELEASE: Members States putting human rights at risk by delaying UN membership payments

Delays in UN membership contributions by Member States are putting human rights, including children’s rights, at risk, according to the global network Child Rights Connect. The network has warned that the funding shortfall is undermining the UN system and multilateralism. A direct result of this shortfall will be the cancellation [...]

2019-08-13T18:10:12+02:0025 May , 2019|

Joint Submission to CRC concerning General Comment on Digital Environment

Child Rights Connect and its members including Together (Scottish Alliance for Children’s Rights) presented a joint submission with the Centre for Human Rights and Citizenship Education of the Dublin City University Institute of Education and  the Centre for Children’s Rights at Queen’s University Belfast on the CRC’s concept note for a [...]

2019-08-13T18:10:27+02:0013 May , 2019|
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