Child Rights Connect has prepared a position paper to inform the Scope and Elements of the Summit of the Future and its discussions. Given that children amount to over a third of the world’s population, all decisions taken before and during the Summit will be the foundation of their present and future, having a long-lasting impact. Although it is clear that they will be the most impacted group, the discussions on the Summit of the Future have yet to include the views and opinions of one of the largest group of stakeholders, and deliberations on the different tracks have not yet had children’s needs and rights at the core of discussions.

Our members and partners were inviting to endorse our position paper. You can read it here.

Endorsing organisations:  

  1. Child Rights Connect
  2. Terre des hommes International Federation
  3. Learning For Wellbeing Foundation
  4. International Society for Pediatrics and Child Health (ISSOP)
  5. Alana Institute