Here you can find upcoming public events with Child Rights Connect’s Secretariat involvement. In addition, you can find updated information on the sessions and pre-sessions of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child.
This event has passed.
Access to remedy for children victims and survivors of trafficking
28 June, 2019 @ 9:30 am - 11:00 pm CEST
This event is cosponsored by the Permanent Missions of The Philippines, Austria, Australia, Brazil, Hungary, Peru, Croatia, Germany as well as Caritas Internationalis, the CRC Committee, Child Rights Connect, ECPAT International and UNICEF.
- Opening remarks: Ambassador Evan P. Garcia, Philippine Permanent Representative to the UN and other International Organization in Geneva
- Panel discussion with:
- Maria Grazia Giammarinaro (UN Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons especially women and children)
- Mikiko Otani (Committee on the Rights of the Child, Expert)
- Noha Roukoz (Caritas Lebanon, Awareness Project Officer)
- Afshan Khan (UNICEF Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia, Regional Director and Special Coordinator for Refugee and Migrant Response in Europe)
- Catherine Mbengue (ECPAT International, Senior Advisor)
- Camillo Gudmalin (Philippine Department of Social Welfare and Development, Vice minister/ Undersecretary for Special Concerns)
- Open forum / Q&A
- To outline existing challenges hampering access to remedy for children victims of trafficking, in particular in the context of migration
- To discuss specific challenges as a result of children transitioning to adulthood
- To identify good practices on access to justice for children victims of trafficking
28 June, 9.30am-11am, Room XV Building A Palais des Nations
Please RSVP to Ms. Alca Tintero, by 27 June 2019: or 078 829 8818
Please find further information in the attached flyer.