Thank you for your interest in joining Child Rights Connect’s Executive Committee!

Please use the following form to nominate candidates.


  • Members of the Executive Committee must be committed to make Child Rights Connect a thriving organisation and network, and to contribute to its development on a managerial and strategic level.
  • Members of the Executive Committee are required to represent and promote Child Rights Connect both towards the membership of the network, as well as towards external partners (donors, UN, other partners).
  • Members of the Executive Committee commit to regularly and actively participate in the meetings.
  • All members of the Executive Committee participate in the Child Rights Connect General Assembly, where they represent the work done and planned to the membership.
  • When in their capacity as members of the Executive Committee, they represent Child Rights Connect and act within its interests.

Estimated time needed for working in the Executive Committee

Event/team Explanations Time per year
ExCo meetings Two 2-day meetings per year 32 hours
2-4 Skype meetings per year 4-8 hours
Meeting preparations, 2 h/meeting 12 hours
General Assembly 2 full days per year 16 hours
Specific task-force work as jointly decided Estimated 1 hour/month, depending on needs 12 hours
TOTAL 80 hours/year = 6-7hours/month


Competencies required in the team

Based on the mandate as stated in the Statutes, Article 19, the following competencies should be represented in the Executive Committee. We are therefore especially but not only interested in experts from the following fields:

  • Children’s rights/human rights – international, regional and national levels
  • Organisational development
  • Network development
  • Strategic management
  • Financial management
  • Fundraising
  • Human resource management
  • Documentation, legal rules and procedures
  • Children’s participation
  • Advocacy
  • Knowledge and understanding of the UN mechanisms
  • Knowledge and understanding of civil society and NGOs

Additional information in the Statutes of Child Rights Connect (articles 19, 20, and 22) and in the Terms of Reference of the Executive Committee of Child Rights Connect

All ExCo members are expected to actively participate in the work of ExCo irrespective of their physical location. The Secretariat ensures that facilities are available to allow this in the most effective way (for example Webex or Skype attendance of meetings).

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