It is time to ensure child rights and improve advocacy for OPIC ratification

29 October , 2020|

New tools to fostering the ratification of the OPIC   “While the CRC and its first two Optional Protocols have attracted high ratification rates, states appear to be more reticent about signing up to OPIC (…) Ratification [of the OPIC] opens the door to the [...]

Members States putting human rights at risk by delaying UN membership payments

29 September , 2020|

In the midst of a global human rights crisis, affecting millions of children worldwide, Child Rights Connect calls on government to pay their regular budget assessments in full and to stand up for the values upon which the United Nations [...]

Landmark resolution advances children’s right to a healthy environment

20 October , 2020|

The consideration of children’s rights has been historically absent from environmental or climate-related policies, laws, and action, due to weak political will and a general lack of awareness of the many links between child rights and a safe and healthy [...]

The Child Rights Connect child advisors mobilise in response to COVID-19

20 August , 2020|

Just weeks after a new global Children’s Advisory Team was established at Child Rights Connect (an international network of children’s organisations with a Secretariat based in Geneva), we faced a COVID-19 outbreak. Soon after, the 11 child advisors, based across [...]

This page responds to the child advisors’ call for a platform to monitor the follow-up to the Day of General Discussion (DGD) on Protecting and Empowering Children as Human Rights defenders. It showcases direct follow-up activities to the 2018 DGD as well as examples of the different ways in which the global movement for children human rights defenders is growing at different levels and in many different forms.

UN Entry Points

97th session

26 August - 13 September

UN Entry Points

99th pre-session

16 September - 20 September

UN Entry Points

98th session

13 January, 2025 - 31 January, 2025

UN Entry Points

100th pre-session

3 February, 2025 - 7 February, 2025

Our member network has a broad reach and works in every country in the world.

It is unique in its global outreach and its diversity, constituting a strong and credible global voice on children’s rights.

Help us create a world in which all children can enjoy their rights.