Publications in collaboration with Child Rights Connect
School kit on children’s environmental rights and climate change
To help children understand their right to a clean and healthy environment, we developed a school kit containing tools which children can use to introduce this topic to their peers and in their own classrooms. Find it here!
A report about Children’s Vision for Human Rights
A report bringing together children’s views, realities and recommendations on Human Rights to be incorporated alongside the recommendations of other key stakeholder groups.
The child-friendly version of the 2023 Report to the Human Rights Council on child rights & inclusive social protection
The report explains the meaning and importance of inclusive social protection for children; and gives recommendations for States.
The child-friendly version of the United Nation's Committee on the Rights of the Child's General Comment N.26
This child-friendly version of the General Comment no.26 reports on the environment with a special focus on climate change.
The child-friendly International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD)
Convention on the Rights of the Child by Unicef-Child Rights Connect
The UPR & Me: My Guide to Participating in the UPR
My Pocket Guide to CRC Reporting
Information webpage on the optional protocol on a communications procedure

A webpage with information and resources on the OPIC
Speak up for your Rights (OPIC)

A short guide about the treaty that lets you speak up about child rights violations
English – Español – Français – العربية – ру́сский язы́к
Other Publications
Child-Friendly version of the CEDAW

A child-friendly version on the The Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women, produced by UNICEF Maldives and Advocating the Rights of Children (ARC) for the International Day of the Girl Child