The long-awaited Law on Children’s Rights of the Republic of Moldova entered into force on 21 December 2023[1]. Child Rights Connect with its partner organisation the  Child Rights Information Center (CRIC), as part of the project “Advancing the rights, empowerment and protection of child human rights defenders (CHRDs) in promoting human rights in Moldova[2],influenced the content of the law. With Child Rights Connect support, CRIC as a member of the working group for drafting the law, advocated for the recognition, empowerment and protection of child human rights defenders. Now CHRDs are recognised and protected under the new law.  

Under article 15, paragraph 8: 

“The State recognizes, supports and promotes the concept of children as human rights defenders, effectively protecting them in the exercise of their rights and in human rights work, creating all appropriate and necessary conditions to empower children who act or aspire to act as human rights defenders, to express their views, to be heard, to participate in decision-making and to exercise their freedoms, civil and political rights.”[3] 

Under the new law, the Republic of Moldova shall ensure that CHRDs are provided with an environment (both physical and digital) in which they can exercise their rights, free from risk, abuse and intimidation. 

In this context, in February 2022, a campaign was launched on a “Safe environment for child human rights defenders” led by a group of CHRD with support of CRIC, in partnership with Child Rights Connect, Ombuds for Children, CSO’s, teachers other national and international organisations. The campaign aimed to raise awareness about CHRDs rights among the authorities. The Rights of Child Human Rights Defenders: Implementation Guide  has been used through the campaign. 

Child Rights Connect continues to work with CRIC and the project-established diverse group of 10 CHRDs to advocate for child participation in law-making processes, including in the upcoming law on human rights defenders. These efforts were recognised in the report of the Special Rapporteur on human rights defenders, Ms. Mery Lawlor. By citing the joint project of CRCnct and CRIC, the report states that “The Republic of Moldova is currently the only country in the world where a soon-to-be-developed law on the protection of human rights defenders has a high chance of incorporating the child rights perspective and the distinct barriers faced by child human rights defenders.”[4]


[1] Parliament of the Republic of Moldova, Law on Children’s Rights, Lege Nr. 370, 21.12.2023,  

[2] Child Rights Connect, For the first time ever, children will inform the development (and implementation) of a new law on the protection of human rights defenders! This is our project in Moldova”, 

[3] Parliament of the Republic of Moldova, Law on Children’s Rights, Lege Nr. 370, 21.12.2023, Article 15, paragraph 8, (unofficial translated in English),

[4] OHCHR, “We are not just the future”: challenges faced by child and youth human rights defenders Report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders, Mary Lawlor, A/HRC/55/50, 17.01.2024, para.66,