
It is time to ensure child rights and improve advocacy for OPIC ratification

New tools to fostering the ratification of the OPIC   “While the CRC and its first two Optional Protocols have attracted high ratification rates, states appear to be more reticent about signing up to OPIC (…) Ratification [of the OPIC] opens the door to the access to justice for children (…)”   These are the words of CRC [...]

2021-01-21T16:49:08+01:0029 October , 2020|

Civil society urging the Treaty Bodies & OHCHR to schedule State reviews no later than 2021

Together with the other TB-Net members, Amnesty International and ISHR, Child Rights Connect has drafted a civil society letter in EN, FR, SP and RU to show support to the Treaty Bodies, express concerns on the current situation and highlight the strong need to see the Treaty Bodies performing their [...]

2020-10-12T12:17:12+02:005 October , 2020|

Members States putting human rights at risk by delaying UN membership payments

In the midst of a global human rights crisis, affecting millions of children worldwide, Child Rights Connect calls on government to pay their regular budget assessments in full and to stand up for the values upon which the United Nations system, in particular the human rights mechanisms, were built. Delays [...]

2020-09-29T11:57:28+02:0029 September , 2020|

Joint Statement to the Human Rights Council: Realising Children’s Rights to a Healthy Environment

On Monday 21st September, during the Interactive Dialogue with the UN Special Rapporteur on Hazardous Substances for the ongoing 45th session of the Human Rights Council, the Child Rights Connect Working Group on Environment delivered a joint statement, along with the Children's Environmental Rights Initiative (CERI), on realising children's rights [...]

2020-11-12T17:27:47+01:0022 September , 2020|

States and civil society join forces to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the OPAC and OPSC

2020 marked the 20th anniversary of the adoption of the two Optional Protocols to the Convention on the Rights of the Child. In commemoration of this anniversary, the Permanent Mission of Belgium together with the Permanent Mission of Uruguay took the initiative to deliver a strong statement with support from [...]

2020-11-12T17:29:23+01:0022 September , 2020|

Landmark resolution advances children’s right to a healthy environment

The consideration of children’s rights has been historically absent from environmental or climate-related policies, laws, and action, due to weak political will and a general lack of awareness of the many links between child rights and a safe and healthy environment. However, at the September Human Rights Council session, States [...]

2020-11-12T17:26:59+01:0020 October , 2020|

Co-Facilitators report on the UN Treaty Body review process 2020 includes concrete recommendations!

After taking informal consultations with States in both New York and Geneva, as well as with the OHCHR, the treaty bodies, and the civil society, the Permanent Missions of Switzerland and Morocco, as Co-Facilitators of the UN Human Rights Treaty Body Review Process 2020, have released their report containing their [...]

2020-09-17T19:48:21+02:0017 September , 2020|

TB-Net participation in the consultation with co-facilitators on the state of the HR treaty body system

The informal consultation of the co-facilitators of the process of the treaty body system review took place on 28 August 2020. Watch the morning session with States and the afternoon session with stakeholders. TB-Net members OMCT, GI-ESCR and IMADR, as well as ISHR, delivered statements to reaffirm the key proposals [...]

2020-08-31T19:17:14+02:0031 August , 2020|

The Child Rights Connect child advisors mobilise in response to COVID-19

Just weeks after a new global Children’s Advisory Team was established at Child Rights Connect (an international network of children’s organisations with a Secretariat based in Geneva), we faced a COVID-19 outbreak. Soon after, the 11 child advisors, based across all regions of the world, began adapting to a new [...]

2020-10-09T12:21:25+02:0020 August , 2020|
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