
Treaty Bodies Chairpersons discussed the predictable calendar at their annual meeting!

From 29 May to 2 June 2023, the Chairs of the Human Rights Treaty Bodies held their 35th annual meeting in New York. The Chairs discussed the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) Working Paper, which presents options for the development of an implementation plan in response [...]

2023-07-31T12:56:57+02:0028 June , 2023|

For the first time, we support children and youth to speak at the Aarhus Convention Working Group Meeting of the Parties!

During the 40th anniversary Conference of Child Rights Connect, Michel Forst, Special Rapporteur on Environmental Defenders under the Aarhus Convention, called on the network to bring the voices of children to the meetings of the Aarhus Convention. The Aarhus Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access [...]

2023-07-31T12:55:12+02:0028 June , 2023|

Children’s views will inform the UN Human Rights Office report on inclusive social protection and its child-friendly version!

The UN Human Rights Office (OHCHR) is producing a report on the rights of the child and inclusive social protection to be presented at the Human Rights Council (HRC) in March 2024. The report will look at the legal and policy framework on child rights and inclusive social protection, the [...]

2023-07-31T12:57:04+02:0015 June , 2023|

2022 in review: Unlocking the potential of the first national child rights coalition in Morocco to speak with one powerful voice with children at the UN

Lack of coordination as a key barrier to realizing the human rights of all children in Morocco Despite significant progress made by Morocco in realizing children's rights, including education and health, as assessed by UNICEF in its Situation Analysis from 2019, disparities persist based on socio-economic backgrounds, living environments, and [...]

2023-08-31T10:58:48+02:008 June , 2023|

2022 in review: Catalyzing the influence of civil society and children on UN wide policies and decision-making where children’s rights are forgotten

Why child rights mainstreaming is critical to realizing child rights In today's world, where child rights face widespread backlash, increasing violations, and multiple crises such as environmental disasters, migration, armed conflicts, and inequality, there is an urgent need to advocate for the comprehensive implementation of the United Nations Convention on [...]

2023-08-31T11:07:57+02:005 June , 2023|

2022 in review: Further building momentum for realising the rights, protection and empowerment of child human rights defenders at all levels

Children experience specific and additional challenges and violations when acting as human rights defenders because of their status in society "Children are already human rights defenders, with the same rights as adults. We must recognize their vital role and the obligation of States to protect their rights", emphasized the Chairperson [...]

2023-08-31T11:20:18+02:0031 May , 2023|

“Changing the narrative means changing the narrator, putting children’s voices at the centre”, said the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights at our 40th anniversary conference on 26 May

In a context of growing anti-child rights rhetoric globally, on 26 May 2023, more than 200 children, including many of our child advisors, as well as child rights experts and practitioners (among whom around 74% of girls and women) gathered in Geneva or online as part of our 40th anniversary [...]

2024-04-09T14:26:56+02:0030 May , 2023|

Kick-starting celebrations of our 40 years of existence at our General Assembly meeting, with the Network reaching 108 organisations!

On 25 May 2023, members and observers of our Network convened for the annual statutory meeting of our General Assembly, which constituted this year a special moment as our organisation celebrates its 40 years of existence! Close to 50 representatives from local, national, regional and international child rights organisations gathered [...]

2023-07-14T09:32:07+02:0025 May , 2023|

Children’s rights making way into the Summit of the Future preparations

Following the 75th Anniversary of the United Nations in June 2020, the Secretary-General was requested to address both current and future challenges. He responded with a wake-up call, enshrined in his report Our Common Agenda, with the aim of accelerating the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. This report requests [...]

2023-05-25T17:29:24+02:0025 May , 2023|

2022 in review: New spaces opened for children to voice their views, engage adults, and act for what they believe in

Historic exclusion of children in decision-making and persistent pushback on child participation Children have historically been excluded from discussions and decision-making at all levels, including from international policy debates on matters that directly affect them. Yet, the escalating environmental crisis, rising inequalities, and migration crisis, among others, have a heavy [...]

2023-08-31T11:18:38+02:0017 May , 2023|
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