
First children’s panel at the Annual Day of the Rights of the Child on the digital environment!

The 2023 HRC Annual Day on the Rights of the Child had the highest number of child participants in the history of this event ensuring that discussions on the digital world include children’s views and experiences. On 10 March, this year’s Annual Day of the Rights of the Child at [...]

2023-04-04T12:12:20+02:004 April , 2023|

25th anniversary of the Declaration on Human Rights Defenders marked with praise and recognition for the role of child human rights defenders

This year marks the 25th anniversary of the Declaration on Human Rights Defenders. On 15 March 2023, the Human Rights Council hosted the Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders, Mary Lawlor, where she presented her report “Success through perseverance and solidarity: 25 years [...]

2023-04-03T16:15:41+02:003 April , 2023|

UN’s 2023 Annual Day on the Rights of the Child will discuss the rights of the child and the digital environment

The 2023 edition of this UN Human Rights Council’s annual event will take place on March 10 in Geneva and discuss the implications of applying a children’s rights perspective with respect to digital tools and technologies. On March 10, The Palace of Nations in Geneva, home of the United Nations [...]

2023-10-20T12:50:14+02:007 March , 2023|

A new pilot project to boost the agency of children at risk of or separated from their parents to shape and take forward their human rights activities in Bulgaria

Thanks to project funding from Tanya’s Dream Fund hosted by Swiss Philanthropy Foundation, we have recently launched a new pilot project in Bulgaria, in collaboration with the National Network for Children (NNC) and the New Bulgarian University - Know How Centre for Alternative Care for Children (KHC), to advance the [...]

2023-02-15T15:14:42+01:0015 February , 2023|

For the first time ever, children will inform the development (and implementation) of a new law on the protection of human rights defenders! This is our project in Moldova.

Thanks to new project funding from the Ville de Genève as well as on-going financial support from the Swedish International Development and Cooperation Agency (Sida), we are about to step up our action in Moldova, in collaboration with our long-time partner and member, the Centrul de Informare şi Documentare privind [...]

2023-02-15T15:11:38+01:0027 January , 2023|

Support children to share their views with the UN Human Rights Office on inclusive social protection!

The UN Human Rights Office is writing a report to the Human Rights Council on inclusive social protection. They want to hear from children worldwide about their views and recommendations on this important subject! 🔈 Are you in contact with groups or networks of children that would like to share their [...]

2023-01-25T12:46:37+01:0025 January , 2023|

CRC session 92

At the 92nd CRC session opening, for the second time, children have addressed the Committee at the session opening! A member of the General Comment 26 Children’s Advisory Team delivered a speech, followed by a video message from other GC26 child advisors. “[…] you need [...]

2023-12-20T13:31:07+01:0016 January , 2023|

The Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights updates children on the status of their General Comment on Sustainable Development

Check out the videos to learn about the main takeaways from the consultations with children!   On 5th and 6th of April 2022, the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights held three Consultations with children coming from all around the world and from different backgrounds for the [...]

2023-01-19T01:05:36+01:0021 December , 2022|

Civil society and children contributed to shaping the draft UN Guidance Note on Child Rights Mainstreaming! 

For the first time ever, the UN as a system is making an assessment of how it integrates child rights into its work. The Secretary-General has committed to develop a Guidance Note on Child Rights Mainstreaming to provide practical guidance to all levels of the United Nations, across all three [...]

2023-08-08T15:02:34+02:0012 December , 2022|

Spread the word about our new #ChildrenStandUp4HumanRights appeal !

We have just launched our new campaign #ChildrenStandUp4HumanRights: Follow their lead! to garner support for our child advisors to take forward their own national awareness-raising and advocacy campaigns in the context of the 25th anniversary of the UN Declaration on Human Rights Defenders and our 40th anniversary in 2023. [...]

2022-12-14T03:55:42+01:006 December , 2022|
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