
Our child advisors and mentors inform upcoming report of Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders on positive change

You can read the full submission from Child Rights Connect and its Children’s Advisory Team (CAT) and Mentor Group here.     7 of the current and former members of Child Rights Connect’s Children's Advisory Team recently shared case studies to feed into an upcoming report of the UN Special Rapporteur [...]

2022-11-16T15:23:37+01:0016 November , 2022|

Joint civil society statement on Secretary-General’s fourth biennial report on the status of the treaty body system

At the UN General Assembly, TB-Net and other organisations (including Amnesty International, the Geneva Human Rights Platform (Geneva Academy), the International Service for Human Rights, and the Jacob Blaustein Institute for the Advancement of Human Rights), raised the need to support the development of predictable review calendars and sustainable funding [...]

2022-10-31T19:20:35+01:0031 October , 2022|

Landmark CRC Concluding Observations on Child Human Rights Defenders linked to freedom of expression!

In September 2022, the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child (the Committee) held its 91st Session and adopted recommendations for the State parties under review. For the first time, the Committee adopted a landmark recommendation on child human rights defenders under the cluster Civil rights and freedoms - [...]

2023-06-29T13:17:14+02:005 October , 2022|

Joint statement during the Interactive Dialogue with the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine

In the framework of the Human Rights Council 51 session, Child Rights Connect and its members made a joint statement during the Interactive Dialogue with the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine established by the Council in March. In support of the work and the local voice of members [...]

2022-09-29T17:23:17+02:0029 September , 2022|

Guidance Note of the Secretary-General on Child Rights Mainstreaming: Child Rights Connect inputs to the survey

The Guidance Note that the UN Secretary General is developing on child rights mainstreaming is a unique opportunity to make the UN’s work more rights-based and therefore more effective. In addition to facilitating civil society, including children’s participation in the process, Child Rights Connect is engaging by providing technical inputs [...]

2022-09-28T11:06:29+02:0027 September , 2022|

Strong calls from States and civil society for UPR recommendations on Child Human Rights Defenders

“(...) The more stakeholders that are aware, and the more agencies that are aware of the applicable human rights framework, as well as the legal and practical challenges faced by children when taking on human rights advocacy, the more attraction and acceptance there will eventually be, and this will grow.” Ms [...]

2022-09-14T16:38:29+02:0014 September , 2022|

Civil society welcomes the conclusions of the Chairpersons meeting on the UNTBs work!

From 30 May to 3 June 2022, the Chairs of the Treaty Bodies participated in their 34th annual meeting in New York. TB-Net submitted written contribution, participated in meetings and closely monitored the discussions. In the end, the Chairs reached an important consensus regarding key points to the work of all [...]

2022-08-17T10:03:15+02:0011 August , 2022|
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