Here you can find upcoming public events with Child Rights Connect’s Secretariat involvement. In addition, you can find updated information on the sessions and pre-sessions of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child.
Adoption of the LOIPR (Mauritius, NZ, Sweden)
The LOIPR of Mauritius, New Zealand and Sweden will be adopted as planned in June 2020.
85th online limited session
85th online limited session with no State reviews (postponed to January 2021).
87th pre-session
Canada (CRC), Iceland (CRC), Kuwait (CRC), Philippines (CRC), Poland (CRC SRP), Ukraine (CRC), Vietnam (CRC) Adoption of LOIPR: France, Ireland The 87th pre-session, originally planned in June 2020, is postponed to September/October 2020.
Virtual Side Event on a Child Rights Approach to the LBI Draft Treaty on Business and Human Rights
Business activities and enterprises significantly affect children in all aspects of their lives. As the Committee on the Rights of the Child highlighted, “children are both rights-holders and stakeholders in business”. Children are potential consumers targeted by marketing strategies and possibly using harmful or unsuitable products and services, off and [...]
Launch of the new publication : “The Rights of Child Human Rights Defenders: Implementation Guide”
Child Rights Connect is thrilled to announce the release of our new publication “The Rights of Child Human Rights Defenders: Implementation Guide”, which will be presented during this virtual launch event on December 7th, 2020, from 1pm to 2:30pm CET. You can check out the event flyer and read the quick intro to the [...]
86th online limited session
88th pre-session
Pre-session: Afghanistan (OPAC), Azerbaijan (CRC), Bolivia (CRC), Germany (CRC), Luxembourg (CRC SRP), North Macedonia (CRC), South Sudan (CRC), Uzbekistan (CRC) Adoption of LOIPR: South Africa, United Kingdom This pre-session will be held online.
87th session (online)
The CRC Committee decided to undertake online reviews "on a pilot exceptional basis" for Luxembourg (SRP) and Tunisia. Deadline for additional submission (standard procedure): 5th May 2021 Programme of work is available here:
89th pre-session
SRP pre-sessions: Croatia, Netherlands, Switzerland. Deadline for written inputs to State report: 1st May 2021 Adoption of LOIPR: Bulgaria, Fiji, Liechtenstein, Oman. Deadline for written inputs to LOIPR: 1st March 2021
88th session
The session will be conducted in-person with the following country reviews: Czech Republic, Eswatini, Poland (SRP), Switzerland (SRP). Deadline for additional submission: 15th August 2021 The review of Afghanistan (CRC, OPAC) is postponed.
90th pre-session
SRP Pre-session: Chile and Zambia Deadline for written inputs to the State report: 1st September 2021 Adoption of LOIPR: Bhutan, Ecuador, Estonia, Georgia, Guatemala, Peru and Sierra Leone. Deadline for written inputs to LOIPR: 1st July 2021
89th session
Madagascar, Netherlands (SRP) Deadline for additional submission: 15th December 2021 "As a result of unprecedented rise of COVID-19/Omicron cases, the OHCHR has evaluated that the 89th session of the Committee on the Rights of the Child due to start on 17 January 2022 is not possible in an in-person format. The [...]
90th session
Cambodia, Canada, Chile (SRP), Croatia (SRP), Cuba, Cyprus, Djibouti, Greece, Iceland, Kiribati, Somalia, Zambia (SRP) Deadline for additional submission: 15th April 2022
This side event at the 34th Annual Meeting of Chairpersons of the Human Rights Treaty Bodies, co-organized by the Geneva Human Rights Platform, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the Commonwealth Secretariat, TB-Net and the Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the UN in New York. represents an opportunity for all stakeholders to take [...]
91st session
Germany, Kuwait, North Macedonia, Philippines, South Sudan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Vietnam Deadline for additional submission: 15th August 2022
93rd pre-session
Pre-sessions: Albania, Finland, Jordan, Sao Tome and Principe, Turkey. Deadline for alternative reports: 1st July 2022 SRP pre-sessions: Mauritius, New Zealand, Sweden, Ireland, Oman. Deadline for written inputs to State reports: 15th August 2022
92nd session
Azerbaijan, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Ireland, Mauritius, New Zealand, Oman, Sweden Deadline for additional submission: 15th December 2022 Registration:
94th pre-session
Pre-sessions: Andorra, Dominican Republic, Israel, Kyrgyzstan, Liechtenstein (OPSC), Russian Federation, Togo. Deadline for alternative reports: 1st November 2022 SRP pre-sessions: France, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Deadline for written inputs to State report: New deadline! 1st December 2022 Adoption of LOIPR: Argentina, Spain Deadline for written inputs to [...]
95th pre-session
Pre-sessions: Congo, Lithuania, Paraguay, Senegal (CRC, OPSC, OPAC) Deadline for alternative reports: 1st March 2023 SRP pre-sessions: Bulgaria, Liechtenstein Deadline for written inputs to State report: 1st March 2023 Adoption of LOIPR: Norway, Qatar, Romania Deadline for written inputs to LOIPR: 1st March 2023
93rd session
Finland (CRC, OPSC), France, Jordan, Sao Tome and Principe, Türkiye, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Deadline for additional submission: 15th April 2023