
Child Rights Connect In Action: Empowering children and other defenders to influence the law and practices on human rights defenders in Moldova

Key challenges faced by CHRDs in Moldova  The world is experiencing an unprecedent mobilization of children acting to address the most pressing challenges faced by humanity. Moldova is no exception. Children are increasingly acting as human rights defenders to realize human rights and advance social justice for all, speaking up [...]

2022-11-22T09:36:09+01:004 April , 2022|

Child Rights Connect In Action: After our call, UN Secretary-General decides to develop a systematic UN approach to child rights

Why child rights mainstreaming is critical to realizing child rights   While the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) is the most ratified human rights treaty, this near universal set of obligations and commitments has not yet translated into transformative change for children as rights holders. To the [...]

2022-11-22T09:41:47+01:0028 March , 2022|

Annual day on the Rights of the Child 2022: reinforcing standards on child rights and family reunification

“The right to grow up in a family environment must be respected and fulfilled, (…) [and] children’s opinions and experiences should be taken into account”, highlighted Michelle Bachelet, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, during the opening of the 2022 Annual Day on the Rights of the Child with [...]

2022-03-24T18:58:46+01:0024 March , 2022|

Child participation in Iceland’s State Party report to the CRC Committee

The Committee on the Rights of the Child sets out in its Working Methods that State Parties have an obligation to ensure child participation in the preparation of State Party reports to the Committee. Whilst this remains rare, we present a promising practice from Iceland to help inspire and encourage [...]

2022-03-08T17:43:32+01:008 March , 2022|

Child Rights Connect and its members express concerns for the humanitarian situation affecting children in Ukraine

During the Urgent Debate on the situation of human rights in Ukraine held on March 3rd at the 49th Session of the Human Rights Council, Child Rights Connect and members called for a ceasefire and urged the international community to support all measures that protect children’s rights:  We stand in [...]

2022-03-09T15:22:03+01:004 March , 2022|

Children’s Global Consultation on Sustainable Development and Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: Support Children’s Engagement!

About the Global Consultation   The United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR) is developing a General Comment on Sustainable Development and Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (GC on SD). This is the first time that the CESCR will involve children [...]

2022-04-01T14:20:01+02:0018 February , 2022|

Joint Civil Society Submission on the Status of the Human Rights Treaty Body System

TB-Net (NGO Network on UN Treaty Bodies), Amnesty International and the International Service for Human Rights sent a joint submission on the UN human rights treaty body system for the UN Secretary-General’s report to the General Assembly. Our key claims are: 1. Importance of the Treaty Body System: The UN [...]

2022-02-08T17:05:12+01:008 February , 2022|
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