Here you can find upcoming public events with Child Rights Connect’s Secretariat involvement. In addition, you can find updated information on the sessions and pre-sessions of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child.

Child Rights Now! Global report on the status of children’s rights
20 November, 2019 - 10 May, 2020
The objective of Child Rights Now, a joint initiative of 6 organizations (ChildFund International, SOS Children’s Villages,Plan International, Save the Children, Terres des Hommes and World Vision) is to advocate for renewed commitment to achieving the rights of all children and the Convention, and to integrate a child rights focus into measures aimed at achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Child participation is also an essential component of the Child Rights Now initiative.
A global report on the status of children’s rights in 17 countries was launched in June 2019: A Second Revolution – Thirty years of child rights, and the unfinished agenda: English, French, Spanish. The report highlights the critical steps to realise the rights of all children and calls on States to fulfil their commitments in relation to both the CRC and the Sustainable Development Goals.