UN Heads of Entities commit to step up efforts to promote the right to a healthy environment of children and their participation in climate justice decision-making at all levels

8 July , 2021|

We welcome the UN Joint Commitment, released this month, to promote the right of children, youth and future generations to a healthy environment and their meaningful participation in decision-making at all levels, in relation to climate action and climate justice.  This Joint Commitment by Heads [...]

Historic advancement: CRC Committee to develop authoritative guidance on children’s rights and environment with a special focus on climate change!

9 June , 2021|

At the end of its 87th session, the Committee on the Rights of the Child announced that it will initiate a General Comment on children’s rights and the environment with a special focus on climate change.  The General Comment will provide long-overdue authoritative guidance on [...]

Council resolution on Human Rights and the Environment recognises the role of child environmental human rights defenders and welcomes the great work of the Special Rapporteur in amplifying children’s voices

28 April , 2021|

At the 46th session of the Human Rights Council (Council), Member States adopted the resolution on the renewal of the mandate of the Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and the Environment which highlights the critical role of child human rights defenders (CHRDs) acting on the environment!   Like in previous resolutions, the initial text-only expressed [...]


21 April , 2021|

Tool showcasing good practices of States to end corporal punishment of children Guidance and discipline are important for a child’s growth education and development as a way to prepare the child for their future stage as an adult living productively [...]

Adopted General Comment No. 25 of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child on children’s rights in relation to the digital environment incorporates some of Child Rights Connect’ key asks focusing on Child Human Rights Defenders (CHRDs)

24 March , 2021|

On Wednesday 24th March, the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child (the Committee) officially launched their new General Comment No. 25 on children’s rights in relation to the digital environment taking into consideration some key asks and recommendations [...]

This page responds to the child advisors’ call for a platform to monitor the follow-up to the Day of General Discussion (DGD) on Protecting and Empowering Children as Human Rights defenders. It showcases direct follow-up activities to the 2018 DGD as well as examples of the different ways in which the global movement for children human rights defenders is growing at different levels and in many different forms.

UN Entry Points

97th session

26 August - 13 September

UN Entry Points

99th pre-session

16 September - 20 September

UN Entry Points

98th session

13 January, 2025 - 31 January, 2025

UN Entry Points

100th pre-session

3 February, 2025 - 7 February, 2025

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It is unique in its global outreach and its diversity, constituting a strong and credible global voice on children’s rights.

Help us create a world in which all children can enjoy their rights.